Children's Faith Formation

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Catechesis of The Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based approach to the religious formation of children ages pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. Based on the pillars of scripture and liturgy, the children gather in a carefully prepared environment called the Atrium, where they and their adult catechist can hear, ponder and celebrate the mysteries of their Catholic faith. There, the children work with beautiful materials that invite them to enter more fully into the liturgical celebrations of the Church as well as meditate deeply into the scriptures proclaimed. Much like a children’s chapel, the Atrium nurtures the children’s life of prayer, contemplation, and their relationship with God.

Level I Atrium

The Level I Atrium lays the foundation for the child's encounter with the Catholic community of faith. The Atrium itself is a community in which children and adults live together in a religious experience that facilitates participation in the wider community of the family, the Church, and other social spheres. In the Atrium, work and study spontaneously become meditation, contemplation, and prayer.

Level II Atrium

This Atrium is also a Sacramental preparation for children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion.

The Level II Atrium builds on the foundation for the child's encounter with the Catholic community of faith. The True Vine becomes the touchstone parable that expands the child’s understanding of his connectedness with God and the community; Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. Religious experiences are deepened during this sensitive period for social and moral development, facilitating even greater participation in the wider community of the family, the Church, and other social spheres. With a new capacity to understand time and history, the exploration of God’s Kingdom from Creation to Redemption and Parousia nurtures the child’s desire to work for the Kingdom.

Level III Atrium

The structure of the Level III Atrium is intended to particularly address the 9- to 12-year-old child’s growing desire and capacity to wrestle with the mystery of time and their own role in history. This level of catechesis helps the child to grasp the “big picture” of God at work in the universe, while at the same time honoring the 9- to 12-year-old’s desire and capacity to work with details of the “whole” that grab their attention and to study these in depth.

The Atrium also needs Adult volunteers to assist and support the catechists and work in the Atrium. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Brandi Noval at 870-425-2832 or


When we come to visit Jesus in this Atrium, we work quietly, and we listen, so that we can hear the Good Shepherd's voice in our hearts. We give him our love, and we are kind to one another. As we work silently and think about the mysteries of Jesus' life, He teaches us without words in the stillness of this room. Please bless our time together, Jesus.

Parish Religious Education:


Brandi Noval, Director of Religious Education

Sarah Osorio, Youth Minister

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