Ministry Contacts


Angela DeGroote

(870) 421-0426


Adult Choir

Steven Jamison

(870)425-2832, ext 1


Bob Goss


Clothing Center (Family Ministry)

Mrs. Kathy Clark

Daughters of Mary

Lynne Weaver


Dominican Laity

Mrs. Kathi Richey, OP


Dominican Sisters

Sister Santina Purcha, OP

Sister Irmina Malek, OP

Sister Klaudia Klapacz, OP

(870)425-2832, ext 1

Health Care Ministry

Denise Malloy


Knights of Columbus

Tom Kaster


Knights of Columbus (4th Degree)

Tim Malloy



Pastor's Advisory Board

Church Office

(870)425-2832, ext 1


Church Office

(870)425-2832, ext 1


St Peter's Kitchen

DeClerk Hall

(870)425-2832, ext 1

St. Vincent de Paul Society


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